Hill City School District

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2017-2018 Board Agenda Sites » HCSD Board of Education Meeting Agenda September 11, 2017

HCSD Board of Education Meeting Agenda September 11, 2017

                                                                                        HILL CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 51-2
                                                                                          BOARD MEETING AGENDA
                                                                                          Monday, September 11, 2017
                                                                               Time: 6:00 P.M. Hill City High School Room 202

I. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Roll Call
II. Approval of Agenda
III. Approval of Minutes: August 14, 2017 Board Meeting

IV. (A) Financial Reports (B) Approval of Claims

V. Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Waivers

VI. Audience with Individuals (Five-minute time limit)

VII. Correspondence and Reports
A. Roxann DuBois, Food Service Director
B. Wade Ginsbach, Activities Director
C. Jeff Anderson, Maintenance Supervisor
D. Steve Helgeland, Special Education Director
E. Chip Franke, Elementary School Principal
F. Blake Gardner, Middle School Principal
G. Todd Satter, High School Principal
H. Aimee Peyregne, Business Manager
I. Mike Hanson, Superintendent

VIII. Old Business
A. Review and approve quote for purchase of new Food Service appliances.

IX. New Business
A. Certified Faculty Graduate Credit Hours
B. Appoint ASBSD Legislative Action Network Representative
C. Approve purchase of BoardDocs web based platform.
D. Board Policy
               1. ABAA Parent Involvement in Title I
               2. GCDB Background Check
E. Surplus Equipment

X. Discussion
               A. Personalized Learning Implementation
               B. 2017-2018 Budget

XI. Executive Session (SDCL 1-25-2)
               A. Legal (SDCL 1-25-2-3)
               B. Negotiations (SDCL 1-25-2-4)

XII. Motion to Adjourn Meeting