Monday, June 12, 2017
Time: 6:00 P.M. Hill City High School Room 202
I. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Roll Call
II. Approval of Agenda
III. Approval of Minutes: May 8, 2017
IV. (A) Financial Reports (B) Approval of Claims
V. Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Waivers
VI. Audience with Individuals (Five minute time limit)
VII. Correspondence and Reports
A. Roxann DuBois, Food Service Director
B. Jeff Anderson, Maintenance Supervisor
C. Shawn Woodward, Activities Director
D. Steve Helgeland, Special Education/Title Director
E. Chip Franke, Elementary School Principal
F. Blake Gardner, Middle School Principal
G. Todd Satter, High School Principal
H. Aimee Peyregne, Business Manager
I. Mike Hanson, Superintendent
VIII. Old Business
IX. New Business
A. 2017-2018 Open enrollment #3
B. Retirements
1. Dan Asheim: Middle School Teacher effective the end of the 2016-2017 school year.
C. Resignations
1. Jamie Henderson: Middle School Track Coach and Middle School Student Council Adviser effective the end of the 2016-2017 school year.
2. Luke Jastorff: Middle School Track Coach effective the end of the 2016-2017 school year.
D. Employment Contracts:
1. Brady Besco: 2017-2018 MS Science Teacher
2. Sarah O’Brien: 2017-2018 MS Track Coach
3. Nate Bayne: 2017-2018 MS Track Coach
E. Federal Programs Title I and REAP: Teacher Time Sheets Summer Program Instruction
F. 2017-2018 Special Education Related Services Contracts
1. Universal Pediatrics
2. Rushmore Kids Speech Therapy
3. Creative Kids Occupational Therapy
4. Regional Health Care Physical Therapy
5. Marsha Leiniger, NCSP School Psychology Services
G. 2017-2018 South Dakota Department of Health Nursing Services Contract
H. 2017-2018 Capital Outlay Plan Projects and Equipment
1. Elementary Playground Improvement - $10,000
2. Ranger Field Improvement - $10,000
3. Maintenance Equipment
a) Snow Plow - $6,800
b) Genentech Door Access Control - $12,000
c) HVAC Auto Server Repair - $24,000
4. Food Service Equipment
a) Tilt Skillet - $11,500
b) Stationery Kettle - $9,450
c) Convection Oven - $7,050
5. Activities Equipment
a) Football Field Goal Posts and Track hurdles, blocks - $12,125
I. School Board Policy: First reading. No action necessary.
1. Section A: AH Conflict of Interest and Disclosure
2. Section I: IGBH-R Rushmore Alternative School Guidelines: Recommendation to repeal policy.
J. Set date to interview applicants for one year term school board member vacancy.
K. Surplus Items
X. Discussion
1. 2017-2018 Preliminary School Budget
2. 2017-2018 Building Level Handbooks
3. 2017-2018 Employee Handbooks
XI. Executive Session (SDCL 1-25-2)
A. Student (SDCL 1-25-2-2)
B. Negotiations (SDCL 1-25-2-4)
XII. Motion to Adjourn Meeting