The Hill City School District Board of Education will be adopting the school calendars for 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 at the April 8, 2019 school board meeting. The calendar options are available to view via PDF on this page. Printed calendars may be obtained at the school district office 488 Main St.
Prior to adoption, the board will be collecting information from students, faculty, parents/guardians, and patrons. A survey will be sent to each group the week of February 25th to gather preference information. Information will be shared with the board. The board of education will also hold discussion of the school calendar options at their March 11, 2019 regular board of education meeting. Patrons are encouraged to attend board meetings each month!
Thank you for completing a survey sent to you through our Infinite Campus email system. We also encourage you to attend the March 11, 2019 board meeting for additional discussion as well as the April 8, 2019 regular school board meeting where the board will take action and adopt calendars for 2019-2020 and 2020-2021. Thank you!