Monday, August 14, 2017
Board of Education Work Session
Time: 5:00 P.M. Hill City High School Room 202
I. Presentation: Dr. Julie Mathiesen, TIE: Personalized Learning Theory and Practice
Board of Education Meeting
Time: 6:00 P.M. Hill City High School Room 202
I. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Roll Call
II. Approval of Agenda
III. Approval of Minutes: July 10, 2017 and July 24, 2017 Special Board Meeting
IV. (A) Financial Reports (B) Approval of Claims
V. Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Waivers
VI. Audience with Individuals (Five-minute time limit)
A. Max Pfeiffer: Facility Lease Request Parking Lot
VII. Correspondence and Reports
A. Roxann DuBois, Food Service Director
B. Wade Ginsbach, Activities Director
C. Jeff Anderson, Maintenance Supervisor
D. Steve Helgeland, Special Education Director
E. Chip Franke, Elementary School Principal
F. Blake Gardner, Middle School Principal
G. Todd Satter, High School Principal
H. Aimee Peyregne, Business Manager
I. Mike Hanson, Superintendent
VIII. Old Business
IX. New Business
A. 2017-2018 Open enrollment applications.
B. 2017-2018 School District Budget
C. Resignations
1. Jill Siemonsma, MS Secretary effective August 14, 2017.
D. Contracts
1. Jamie Duprey: 2017-2018 Elementary Teacher
2. Wade Ginsbach: 2017-2018 K-12 PE, Head GBB, Activities Director
3. Tamela Ross, 2017-2018 Middle School Secretary
4. Jamie Henderson, 2017-2018 Middle School Student Council Adviser
5. Nick Ferguson, 2017-2018 HS Asst Football Coach
E. Ratify 2017-2018 Negotiated Agreement
F. Approve receipt of gift in the amount of $36,007 from Hill City Youth Athletics to be used for purchase of synthetic grass for elementary school playground.
G. Review and approve quotes for food service commodities and propane.
H. Review and approve quote for purchase of new Food Service appliances.
I. Approve Letter of Engagement for audit services with Casey Peterson and Associates for the 2016-2017 school year audit.
J. Board Policy Second Reading and Approval:
1. Section A: ABABB Foster Care Transportation Plan
K. Surplus Equipment
X. Discussion
XI. Executive Session (SDCL 1-25-2)
XII. Motion to Adjourn Meeting